Treatment On Patients

Watch it . . . Use It.

Spine Surgeon with Severe Back Pain

Shoulder Pain fixed with Weights

Groin Pain Changed with Sit to Stand

Stroke Patient's Dexterity Improves

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to ask to
get the best outcome

Can I Try And Treat
My Bad Side?

Why can pain

Why all 3 body areas must be treated

Won't the other side get weaker?

What if both
sides hurt?

Can I do other exercises or activities?

Why the cause of my pain might not hurt

Why does this work?
The TMR Theory

and what to do about it

Why are you not treating my injured side?

How a Patient Helped
Create TMR

Stop Doing TMR On Me
It Hurt Me - Or Did It?

For Clinicians

How TMR Was Developed & How to Better Wrap Your Mind Around it